• Chile experiences a 6.5 magnitude earthquake

    Earthquakes have been continuously attacking the human establishments in the past few days starting from the one in Indonesia. However, the fear of Tsunami has been reduced through the reports of the different forecast departments.
    A similar incident took place in the central Chile region. An earthquake with the magnitude of 6.5, quite a high measure, hit Chile on Tuesday at 9.20 am according to the local time.
    Valaparaiso, Chile is said to be the epicenter of the quake. 25 km is its considered depth. The above report is confirmed by the U.S Geological Survey.
    Evacuation of the city has been ordered from the region of Constitucion to Tongoy.  However the threat of is Tsunami has been rejected by the authorities.
    The evacuation has come as an extremely fast decision and of course as tremendously useful one.
    However, it would be very difficult to imagine such kind of speedy decisions in India. While, it is difficult to control the natural calamities, it is very crucial to be ready to face all kind of natural calamities so that minimum damage occurs to life and property.
    The Fukushima calamity, which will have its effects for a long time, has been faced with quite a lot of courage.
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