• Paramount Pictures deal with Youtube and Google Play for hundreds of movies

    Nowadays Movie streaming has got lots of demand, though we are not getting enough service, people are aiming for that. Keeping this in mind paramount Pictures have come up with an exciting offer. Of course it will be through Youtube, one of the most live streaming website.
    As it is mentioned above that demand is increasing day by day for movies. Concerning this,Google and Youtube has decided to add as many favorite movies as possible. We are so glad to hear about the licensing agreement that is been done with paramount Pictures, which allows more then 500 new movies to Youtube and Google in few couple of weeks in U.S. and Canada.
    Paramount Pictures, Paramount Pictures Logo, Paramount Pictures movies on Google Play and Youtube
    If at you a big fan of all those Oscar winning movies will be available with Youtube and GooglePlay. We should be thankful to Paramount Pictures for offering this awesome service.
    It is so glad to hear that, Paramount is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, if we see in Cinema history, for all those memorable movies Paramount Picture is responsible. In addition,Paramount has five major studios and ten independent movie studios that offer more than 9,000 movies for rent to millions of people in all the countries. Paramount also stated that, it will add many more titles in order to expand their service through out the world.
    Presently, there are lots of movies already added in it. The remaining movies will be available inYoutube and Google Play within a couple of weeks. The only thing you have to do is, just have popcorn and sit on your seat and press play. Recently, the Director of Content partnership ofYoutube Malik Ducard has rented “Coming to America
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