• New IIT entrance system will increase pressure on students

    IIT entrance has arrived with new pattern of rules. As per the new rule, a single exam will be held for all the IITs and centrally funded engineering collages. There will be also 50 percent weightage given to board exams.
    The career counselors are worried over implementing the twelve class results count for IIT, which will give tensions to the students, whereas IIT say that this will make more livelier the schooling system.
    According to CNN-IBN Career counselor Zubin Malhotra, “We want to decrease the immense pressure from students’ shoulders. But this system of preparing for a one-shot hit or miss exam every year will heighten the pressure on them.”
    He adds, “As per Narayan Murthy’s opinion, he is complaining about the students’ quality who are commencing IIT’s and IIT professors have gone on record. I don’t assume also that this will alter in a great way. For the improvement to occur, first the school education system needs to be fixed first.”
    According to IIT Kanpur Director Professor Sanjay Dhande, “The rule is made very clear that the ranking and selection of the IITs will be positioned on the basis of advance test,” who is of different opinion.
    • The rule will be implemented for those students appearing in prominent engineering institutes in2013.
    • The class 12 board exam results will be taken into consideration, also including a two-tier joint entrance examination, as per the new system.
    •  The Union HRD Minister Kapil Sibal and the IIT council have taken firm decisions that the IIT entrance exam will be divided into two main partsmain and advanced.
    • Even class 12 board exam marks will be yielded 50 per cent weightage.
    • All the candidates will have to follow every step of the new format as this system will supersede IIT-JEE and AIJEE.
    • As per Sibal, regarding the candidates’ selection for the IITs and other central institutes, thestudents have to appear for a main test, and then on the very same day will sit for furtheradvanced test.
    • If the student has admission in the centrally funded institutes, 40% weightage will be for theperformance in Class XII30% weightage to performance in main and 30% in the advanced test.
    • Related to IITs, 50% weightage will be given both to the board results and the main test.
    • Looking into the good performance of the students in board and main results, only then the top best 50,000 students will be chosen for the advanced test.
    • Sibal told, “Achieving of merit in advanced examination will be contemplated for getting admission to the IITs.”
    Hope the new IIT entrance system will help in the betterment of the students appearing next year, rather than over-stressing them!
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