• NVIDIA To Give Away Tegra 3 Tablet At Price $199 in Summer: CEO

    What could you possible ask for if a Tegra 3 Tablet will be offered for just $199? At least, that’s the good news I want to share with you right now as Nvidia chief executive, Jen-Hsun Huang, was heard saying that his company has spent around $150 for build materials especially on expensive memory for a certain high specs tablet. This leads to the possibility that a quad-core Tegra 3-powered tablet may just be around corner offered at a price as low as $199. And while it’s just a hint from the CEO himself, there have been a lot of things that were realized but started out as hints from people close to the production lineup of Nvidia. That’s why, things like these should be taken into consideration.
    NVIDIA Tegra 3
    Considering the fact that Apple’s New iPad is reigning as king in the tablet market, there is a good reason for other companies or manufacturers to step up in their specs while stepping down on their prices. iPad is currently offered at $499 which is still a huge amount for most people. Any device that could match New iPads current specs, or at least comes close, with much lower price would surely make an appeal to the people and may pose as the ultimate competitor to Apple’s most famous tablet.
    Huang, however, didn’t hint about a cheap Android device running of a Tegra 3 processor, instead he was hinting about a Tegra 3-powered Windows Phone. He explained that majority of the people who gets tablets intend to use the device for work but Android is not really designed for work, Windows Phone is. People still want Outlook to work well, or the Microsoft Office. So, in the long run as far as office work is concerned, tablets running on Windows 8 will surely capture the market. Putting Tegra 3 processors in those devices would simply boost their performances. While tablets running on Windows do not really need high specs hardware, putting high caliber processor in them will just make them a beast it their own market. Apparently, the production costs of those devices are considerably low and therefore, the companies making them can generously step down their prices so as to become an ultimate rival iPad.
    Furthermore, Nvidia is going economical. It means that the company will be producing new breeds of high-powered processors (perhaps more powerful than Tegra 3) that require low production cost. Thus, in the following months, we may be able to witness cheaper chips but offer power more than Tegra 3 does. If this will be realized, there would be thousands of considerably low-priced tablets but can outperform any powerful device in its category.
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