• Narendra Modi emphasizes the civil-military relations issue in CM internal security conference in Delhi

    Stepping in the troubled waters of the centre-military relations, Narendra Modi, C.M of the Gujarat state, sharply pointed at the centre on the question of security and the effect of its souring relation with the defense, to the security of the nation. He also tried to create a picture of the growing influence of politics in the central agencies including the CBI. He made the above points at the Chief Minister’s Conference on internal security held today at New Delhi.
    Narendra Modi Gujarat, Narendra Modi Photos, Narendra Modi Images , Narendra Modi Pics , Narendra Modil Wallpapers, Narendra Modi PixModi, like his old style, criticized the centre for the entire episode of friction between the military and the centre. Emphasizing it he added that incidents like such would have an adverse effect on the internal security of the nation and would lead to fear in the minds of the civilians regarding their security.
    Directing towards the centre he further added that the centre should take immediate and effective steps to clear the cloud of mistrust and suspicion between the centre and the defense
    He made another important clause by saying that the centre was responsible for forming ‘state within state’.
    Equipping the above clause he harped on the same old tune of the centre taking away power of the states and the interference of the centre in the working of the states.
    Summing up, he said that the matter of security cannot be isolated. It has to be dealt with together.
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