• Swine flu toll reach to 6 in Bangalore

    This green city is really facing hard time due to “Swine Flu” the death rate is moving up day by day as it has gone up to six yesterday. On Tuesday, a 30 year old woman was attacked with this virus and resulted death. After her death, there arose many questions that she was suffering with swine flue but the doctors were not all ready to accept it. Similar to this, Chennai also faced a case about this disease where the authorities failed to identify the disease.
    When the reporters asked the consulting people of hospital, they said nothing is found related toH1N1 deaths in their hospital. Actually, the rules say that if any H1N1 case is suspected, you will have to first inform BBMP.  The civic agency keeps the record of deaths and cases related toH1N1.
    Still we are not getting why some hospital are hiding the swine flu cases from the BBMP. The present condition remind about the last years incident when BBMP took some action for not informing them about the dengue and swine flu cases, they sent them notice to report there. It is very hard for civic agencies to measure the infection rate when private hospitals decide not to reveal details of patients who are admitted due to such diseases.
    The Chief health officer K.E. Manjula  has stated her unhappiness over all private hospitals due to there irresponsible behavior. Manjula also complained saying “We are not allowed to private hospitals to have verification, they will deny us saying if there is such case then we will mail you the details” .
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