• Dont try you cannot fool Google

    An example of Google AdSense-
    Firstly what do I mean by “Can You Fool Google Adsense?”

    Basically can you click on your own ads on your blog/site and get paid for them?

    The quick and easy answer – No.

    Think about it, first off it’s Google, you can’t fool Google, they just know absolutely everything about you and everyone in the world. Somehow Google are watching all of us and know every single little thing we do, it’s like some form of dark magic!

    And secondly, do you think Google would go giving away money so freely? You might be able to fool smaller ad networks, but not Google.

    So how do Google know if you click on your own ads? Well it’s a combination of the below factors:

    IP Address-
    This basically is your computers address, it’s linked to your adsense account, and if Google sees an ad was clicked by the same IP address as the adsense account, it’s obviously you.

    Ok so change your IP address, well Google still has cookies on your machine so they know it’s you.
    Other Google Services-
    Do you use Gmail? Google search, Google Toolbar, Google Talk, Google Calendar etc….? Well Google can easily trace back any clicks to any of these accounts and they’ll know it’s you

    Your Click Patterns-

    1. Isn’t it weird the way this certain IP address only ever clicks on ads for this particular website? Ye Google knows it’s you

    2. This person came directly onto this site from the direct URL or a bookmark, and went straight to the ads…. Ye Google knows it’s you

    3. It’s weird the way the come to the site, click on an ad an leave without ever checking out the sites content….. Ye Google knows it’s you

    Google can trace down your IP address and traffic down to nearly the street it originated from. So if Google sees all the clicks coming from the same area, they know….

    Search Engine Ranking-
    Ok this site has a Pagerank of 1, and get’s about 10 hits a day, but somehow they nearly all click on the ads…… Once again Google knows it’s you…..

    Click Here-

    I know I’ll put a click here button on the ads to make people click on them…….eh hello this is Google, they can figure out what any words on a page mean!

    At this stage I would just advise you to give up on trying to trick Google because you just cant do it. There’s a reason why Google is worth nearly $160 Billion, so good luck trying to trick them

    Don’t mess with Google, or Google will mess you up, any suspicious activity with your adsense account will see your account flagged,revenue removed and a possible ban on your account.

    If you’re the brave one, take this into consideration – You can play with Google, but you can’t win!

    Have you ever tried fooling Google and have succeeded or lost?
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