• BJP leader Uma Bharti supports fraud Nirmal Baba

    BJP leader Uma Bharti is in all support for Nirmal Baba who has been criticised for being fraud for his wrong-doings. She responded on Thursday that the criticism on behalf of Nirmal Baba is absolutely inappropriate, and further telling that it is only the Hindu spiritual leaders are being set aside for criticism.

    When Uma Bharati made a visit to the city of Nagpur and she was asked about Nirmal Baba, shesaid, “Why the target is not on the spiritual leaders from other religions?”

    Besides senior BJP leader M M Joshi, Bharati too who frequently visits RSS headquarters, had a meeting with the RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat in the morning, and afterwards had with senior ideologue M G Vaidya at his residence.

    “Nirmal Baba is being slander in all way. Why such type of attempt is being made? It is not at all correct to discourage people’s faith on him. Hindu religion has been spinned into a laboratory,” shetold.
    Uma Bharti Statement on Nirmal Baba

    Uma Bharati slammed both Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev criticizing them thoroughly, telling that they should endeavor to develop a political system rather than making a criticism of the MPs. Shesaid, “There is no solution to criticism. We need to give a political alternative. Before the next Lok Sabha election, a better political leadership should approach to the forefront. If you have the capability in your hand to provide an alternative, you should surely come up with it. If you are criticizing the Parliamentarians, it is same alike insulting the Parliament.”

    There has been quite a difference within NDA over the candidature of Hamid Ansari for the Presidential elections. Uma Bharati told, “On this serious matter, NDA hasn’t sat for a meeting. Decision will be made by them when it comes to that. Only time will tell.”
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