• Aamir Khan greedy of money: blames Rajasthan minister

    The whole nation has been appreciating Mr. Perfectionist for his TV show ‘Satyamev Jayate’ and the issue female feticide he brought to the forefront. People are getting aware through his show, nor are they admiring him for his effort but also are ready to take step against this matter.
    But unfortunately ‘female feticide’ issue hasn’t been acknowledged by a Rajasthan minister. He has the concept in mind that Aamir Khan is doing this for the greed for money.
    Aamir vs Rajasthan MInister, Aamir Khan Satyamev Jayate , Rajasthan Minister accused Aamir Khan
    The Rajasthan Government has been implementing on the serious matter of female foeticide much before Aamir’s show. Thus the government is handling this situation not because of the actor, informed Rajkumar Sharma, Minister of State for Health to PTI.

    Rajasthan health minister Rajkumar Sharma statement 

    Sharma added more to PTI saying, “Aamir has responded that he being an entertainer cannot concentrate on one particular topic which means whatever he is doing via the show is for gaining money for his benefit. He is welcome to work here if he really wants to contribute to it whole-heartedly.”
    What is there of Mr. Sharma to be so rude? Though every state is taking small steps against such social issues like female foeticide, infanticide, dowry system, child remarriage etc, but hardly any people actually follow it in life.
    Yes, it is true that our government is working against such issues and holding a stand, but still then hatred towards women is still widespread in our county. If any big Bollywood stars are raising their voice, they are trying to wake-up the common people and it is enough to influence them to take action towards such serious issue. In fact they are showing us the guiding light and leading the masses top the right direction.
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